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Search NowCosen: The Saw Industry Giant. Providing Intelligent Services Worldwide.
Cosen offers 140 models including vertical, horizontal, miter-cutting, NC & CNC automatic and customized band saws.

Dual Column Type Band Saw
G320320mm Automatic horizontal dual column type band saw which incorporates a massive base, sturdy saw frame, with an extremely heavy-duty gear box.

Vertical Plate Band Saw
SVT-6070S600mm x 700mm Vertical Table Moving Vertical Plate & Block Band Saw Machine are available in various sizes of throat and bed length.

Vertical Tilt Frame Band Saw
AV-2026NCAutomatic Vertical Tilt-Frame Band Saw is vertical saw frame allows the user to cut at any angle between 90° (straight cut) and 60° (miter cut) in both directions.
Cosen machines cut for construction, automotive, transportation, and wind power industries.
Founded in 1976, staffed by over 150, Cosen is one of the world’s leading band saw manufacturers with a broad product line and a global sales network including Cosen USA and Cosen Europe. Cosen offers 140 models including vertical, horizontal, miter-cutting, NC & CNC automatic and customized band saws. Capacity ranges from 200 to 3200 mm; cutting materials from steel to titanium, chromium and silicon.
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