Bandsaw Integrated with Automatic Sorting System
Cutoff materials are automatically sorted and sent to designated locations based on identity and sizes.
Cosen’s bandsaw machines can be equipped with our automatic sorting system. Cut pieces are sorted (divided) according to each individual identity e.g. cut lengths, sizes, material name and etc. and placed to different locations e.g. marked buckets or racks.
Dividing up finished products has a strong advantage for two reasons:
1) Sorting through piles of cut pieces, which are oftentimes heavy to move around, frees operators from tedious manual sorting work. Your operator’s precious time can be spent somewhere else.
2) Cut pieces have to be properly sorted to be possibly picked up by automatic mechanism of customer’s choice, e.g. a self-driving vehicle, a robotic arm and etc.
When an automatic sorting system does its job well and communicates with the pick-away system, production and efficiency is then truly maximized. Feel free to contact Cosen and talk about your need in sorting. We are happy to help!